
Find out about magic of nature in Maldives

Maldives are small islands located in the continent of Asia in the Indian Ocean, which is a Muslim country where all its inhabitants are Muslims, and passes them to the south of the equator, and the Arabs call it old Vebh deadlines or Mahldep and is likely to have been tampered with and became utter Maldives.
Britain ruled the Maldives 78 years as a British protectorate, The Maldives gained independence in 1965, and its name in the official language is Aldiva Raji (Republic of Maldives), and has a population of 309 thousand people in the square km and its capital, Malé.
And the Maldives in Alcolminolt countries member joined in 1982 are small Islands size named after the old name of "attractiveness deadlines or Mahldep" then name a character to Maldives and is an ancient Islands are located in all of the continent of Asia in the Indian Ocean, a Muslim Islands because all Asconha people who convert to Islam .. Its original name is leisurely attractiveness but has been tampered with and became utter Maldives. Signed under British rule for 78 years but was liberated and became independent in 1965 .. and dubbed Aldiva name a English name .. or for the number of people who inhabit reached number about 309 thousand people, while the capital of the Maldives is a "financial" .. Pray naming Maldives
 We have launched the Maldives many names throughout its history and which lasted them so far is the name "Maldives" (Maale Dhivehi Raajje) and was the first name of her is leisurely attractiveness, but depending on the pronunciation the word change to the Maldives and when it came Translators downloaded the transfer of the name "Maldives "But its population and its people call it the name" Vebh deadlines. "
There coupling studies between linguistics and customs and traditions inside Almadleaf Islands and these studies indicated that the population of the top attributing to Aldrvidah strain and this strain of the state, "Kerala" and these populations is a hunters came south Indian sub-continent and the western coast of Sri Lanka. One of the first settlers Islands Almadleaf people called "Garavarro" and the folklore Maldivian mention "Garavarro".
2004 tsunami

On December 26, 2004 tsunami earthquake that destroyed its impact on the Maldives Islands with the exception of 9 only ones who survived and was represented by the damages caused in the amounts estimated at $ 400 million next to the 108 victims of the event and was among the victims of foreign 6 people
Politics in Maldives
Policy is conducted within the Maldives as follows: Maldives President is the head of the government and the president appoint the ministers nominated by the president himself for a period of five years only and prevents non-Muslims from the election.
The old and the settlement date for the Maldives.
British period Albovehmahmah
I have signed the Maldives under British rule for 78 years but was liberated and became independent in 1965.
Maldives in the Indian Ocean, which has a significant impact on the climate where absorbs heat and stores it and then issue a tropical heat slowly and either the temperature in the Maldives ranging from 24-33 m.
Rain falls annually in the north 2540 .. In the south, 3,810 mm per year as well.
Environmental issues
We threaten the existence of the Maldives in 1970, where the sea level fell 20-30 cm happened. In 2008, President Mohamed Nasheed plans to consider the deployment of his concerns about global warming in the Maldives and that he expected the flooded by rising sea levels.
 As for the current outlook for the Maldives is expected sea level rise by 59 cm and so in 2100.
I've rounded the Buddhism and to the Maldives and religion Buddhism prevailed until the 12th century.

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