But when searching the Internet I discovered it as a real and full of vibrant colors are incredible. The so-called Siamese fighting fish (scientifically, beta Splendors). They are raised for decoration in aquariums and usually grow to about 7 cm in length, and usually live between two to four years. The popularity food fish for decoration and the long history of breeding them in captivity to create variations countless in shape and color. It is known that fish Siamese aggressive if put two males in one basin thickness of That la usually until death. And it belongs to a family Balanda There are Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Laos, the country of origin of Siam and the people of this country are using Albenza in betting and gambling it like wrestling Indian cocks. There are many and varied colors are endless for this fish with the presence of several forms such as fins Pesos Thiel Walton Thiel. It is from the pulmonary fish that breathe air from the air Mbeshrama science it is equipped with gills. Of fish along the 2.5-inch, or about 6 cm to 7 cm or that is does not need to large pools of Education, between two and three years old and ranges. Considered collectively, quiet and peaceful fish, and sometimes their fins are an easy target for some other species. Since the males fight each other to death enough to mention one with a few female if a large pelvic enough and must be the availability of places used as hideouts. Feed eat meat, and all kinds of foods with protein live Mojave granules and chips, and needs to diet contains a high proportion of protein. Such as peels or shrimp (shrimp) in addition to the worms. And eat young initially eggs shrimp processor (Artemia) preferably with a fish in the basin is greater than 30 liters and cover the plants. Placed the male in the
basin a 40-centimeter almost be old water because in his environment to live in shallow water, swamps and then the male begins work nest of air bubbles diameter 6 cm and after the construction of the nest the end of your female Almguetzh lowered eggs and after attempts by the male in getting around the female and the Phaser a to take down eggs and the Ptgayha at the same time this process and last about 3 hours and then the female out thread even to not eat eggs or kill her male and the male collects eggs falling and put it in the nest and after almost two days the eggs hatch should be placed male adult and female in the two basins are very evenly with fed off of foods, including live foods for a period of not less than 15 days. After noting the readiness of the female and her stomach is full male eggs are transferred to another basin where clean water height not exceeding 15 cm and a floating piece of cork or with places to hide the female plants. Leave the male builds a nest of bubbles in the tub for a period of one to three days. After the end of the male from the female build the nest put in the basin close to the basin hatchery If a pair of swim near some of them we put the female in the basin spawning quietly prevented from destroying the nest bulla. The pair swim in a circle may be aggressive toward male and female then wraps around and are still squeezing the eggs. After the completion of dropping off all whites see female hiding from the male and the male to transfer the eggs from the nest to the bottom of the tub bulla not interested in a female. We remove the female from the Basin hatching and leave the male with eggs. The male under the auspices of the eggs and the eggs hatch and the day after the young can swim after 3 days. After that you can be directed by young male swimming basin of hatching and leave the kids alone. Alan izori feeds on young and modern shrimp hatching. It must cover the small basin and prevent further water rise from 15 cm to ensure proper growth of the young.
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