
Find out more toxic the animals on the face of the earth

Our world is filled with many of the strangest animals that can discover and characterized by the presence of forests Alamaozn most strangest animals                                                                        We'll start with the strangest creatures in the Amazon jungle with poison dart frog and the kind of frogs from the daytime type any, which is active during the day and sleeps at night and are often objects poison dart frog their vibrant colors and classified those frogs in the poisonous animals on the face of the earth, but the toxicity degree in poison dart frog differ from one type to another where there are some highly toxic species that once touching the victim of these frogs, they emptied out a lethal dose of poison kill them on the spot.
 out The golden poison frog (Phyllobates terribilis), also known as the golden toad, or the golden dart frog, poison dart frog is endemic in the Pacific coast of Colombia. The perfect habitat for the golden poison dart frog in the rainforest with high rain rates (5 meters or more per year), elevations ranging between 100 and 200 meters, and temperatures of 26 ° C at least, and relative humidity 80-90%. The

golden poison dart frog; one of the most poisonous animals on the face of the earth. Tkies scale two inches (five centimeters) what has enough venom to kill ten men. I used to indigenous people in Colombia using this powerful poison through their tip darts when hunting for centuries. These brightly colored amphibians are among the largest and more 100 kinds of poisonous frogs species, with an average of more than an inch and one (two and a half to the poison) in length. Living in a small group in the rainforest on the Pacific coast of Colombia. And despite the fact that the population in the small and abundant group, in addition to the destruction on a large scale from the rain forest, which had fallen for this endangered species in international lists. The golden poison dart frog rehearse many colors such as yellow and orange, or pale green, depending on the range, in particular, also it characterized as deliberately ostentatious to ward off potential predators. Their diet includes flies, cockroaches, ants and termites, and beetles. Scientists are not sure of the source of the toxicity of this as a frog's amazing, but it is possible that they absorb toxins plant, which is made by their prey. I have has many medical research in light of exploring possible medical uses poison dart frog's golden. They have already developed a synthetic copy of the poison vehicles as a powerful analgesic for pain.

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