
Fiercest battle ever win prey to the hunter

The accident occurred at Lake Ordov National Wildlife in Florida and squirrel usually Tngma on fish in this battle, but the strangest thing happened at all where overcomes prey to the hunter and you will know more about the squirrels
Squirrel belongs to a species of rodent mammals, a graceful animal with a beautiful tail clad in thick fur, his eyes Sodawan and Asatan, and rounded ears.
It is an active animal is often nothing more than what you see above the ground or climb trees.
Squirrel ranges of weight (130-480 g), while the puppy's weight at birth (8-12 g).
Female squirrel stretches pregnancy period (36-45) days, the female has given birth twice a year, which gives birth to between (2-6) of young per birth.
Young squirrels and be naked at birth of fur, and her eyes were closed, and the eyes of young blooming red squirrels after a period ranging between 26 and 28 days of delivery.
When squirrels up to age (5-8) weeks, grow their fur completely and begin to search for their food on their own and then take her life when almost of years, and it becomes her own family.
The squirrels live a period of (2-6) years in the natural wilderness areas, some of them have lived for 15 years in some zoos.
Squirrels live in all parts of the world, except for areas Australia, Madagascar, and the southern part of South America, and you can see the squirrels usually in parks and forests.
However, some types of squirrels do not climb trees, and has a short tails; and called ground squirrels.

Squirrels very cautious animals, increases its activity during daylight hours, unlike most other rodents, squirrels fighting in defense of the region or from food sources, and taunts each other high cries and whistling, and sounds annoying.
And squirrels strong and sharp claws, and flexible joints in the wrist and ankle, and can walk related to the bottom of the tree branches to get to the food, as you jump from branch to another, using their tail Alkt in keeping balance.
The squirrel with a strong sense of smell, and when he wants to be in store for squirrel food Alakh Amargh hair or body and then enter in hiding, to recognize it by its smell, and can find a hideout from above the dense layers of snow.
The eyes are wide eyes Algamguetan squirrel expensive ways of having a vision and the depth of field of view with great squirrel can estimate the distances between the branches of the tree meticulously before you proceed with the surprising breakthroughs.
Live squirrels in the trees slots, and the adoption of squirrels that live in cold places nests fortified to face the winter cold, and are building these nests with leaves dry trees and the remnants of the bark of a small-sized trees, dry grass, and may have used a group of squirrels nest and one in the winter, and become squirrels inert in winter in cold regions and therefore you store up food for the winter.
Squirrels feed on fruits, fungi, grains, seeds, and bird eggs. The squirrels spend a lot of time in their search for food among the trees or on the ground.
The method of feeding squirrels damage to forests as the squirrels bite bark trees sharp teeth until you reach the wringer carrier layer for food in the trees which lead to the destruction of trees and possibly death value.

Man is an enemy of squirrels because of fishing expeditions, which aims to get the beautiful squirrel furs, as well as cats, dogs, foxes, and other carnivores that climb trees and eat snakes young squirrels.
There are more than 300 species of squirrels, together constitute a platoon Alsndjabaat, the largest species of rodents in terms of the number of species, which include gray squirrels and red plane.
The smaller types of squirrels is the African pygmy squirrel, who lives in West Africa, and weighs about 15 g, and up to 8 cm in length and has a tail length of 5 cm.
While the Asian giant squirrels are considered the largest types of squirrels; as a single 85 cm in length, including the tail.
It kinds squirrel Asian palm scheme, who lives in Sri Lanka, India, and called palm squirrel with three lines.
Black Giant Squirrel live in Southeast Asia forests, and weigh up to 3 kg and has a very long tail.
The most common types of red squirrels every squirrel who lives in Europe and North Asia, and the gray squirrel who lives in North America.
Red squirrel lives in coniferous forests and colors vary between red and black, and gray fur coats italics to silver color red squirrel in the winter.
While the gray squirrel live in forests and parks of broad-leaved trees, which is destructive and harmful to the animal trees, has been brought to the United Kingdom in 1876 and then spread widely prevalent.
More kinds of squirrels are found in the tropics, especially in Malaysia and the East Indies, including the giant squirrels that live in the high forest at an altitude of up to 40 m.
Horsetail, who lives in the middle class and squirrels from the forest at an altitude of between 8 and 18 m, and the African giant squirrel coarse hair and a long tail striped in black and white.
The squirrel African firearm foot he may sleek fur with black colors, white, and orange.
Flying Squirrel
There is a kind of squirrels called flying squirrel, a small squirrel live in North America, Europe and Asia's forests.
Relate Bakaúmteh front-and hind legs Leather membranes and muscle-like parachute being able to leapfrog leapfrog large range of up to 60 meters.

The incident occurred in the Lake Woodruff National Wildlife in Florida, and Alencjab usually feeds on fish, the crocodile was in a panic, and despite the fact that the crocodile is one of the most dangerous animals but in this case Alencjab beat him and his eating with.
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