
It is rare and terrible to see such Viper

More things terrifying is this snake-tailed spider is more creatures terrifying and surprising at the
same time have we heard so much about Granger awesome but for the first time we see a representative of this snake is frightening that it is rare to have the snake commented site "Odety Central" American fishing method wonderful snake tail spider prey, saying: "As if it were a snake is not scary enough on its own, take advantage of a snake with its tail spider, which is much like an insect spider to attract prey to diners."

The Korean photographer, "Ed Young" has picked up those images in Iran and India for those who only knew Snake 9 years ago.
 Can rightly be called this snake is one of the worst inhabitants of our planet snake is creepy animal from cold-blooded, and meat eaters, present it to the ground in 2700 species, spread in all continents, except continent Ontarkateka, which are located in various lengths of 10 cm for small snakes to several meters of large snakes, such as pythons and Alonakuda, longer than 7 meters .tqa "Ella de Kimada Grande" Island or the so-called island of snakes within 32 kilometers of the coast of Sao Paulo City Brazilian, where is this island home of the golden snake is rare, it does not exist fall down anywhere in the world, and includes the island of more than four thousand snake.
Although a very small area of the island that it has this huge number of snakes, the Brazilian government has issued a decree banning the visit this island, but an exception can be granted to scientists with the aim Iiaaben.aleom study, is the dominant human on this planet. Nevertheless, the human has occupied this position for a relatively short period of time, but millions of years ago, there were giants in control of this planet.

And humans today may control the animals, even with the presence of wild animals and animals giant somewhat, and many of these animals were her assets before more aggressive and dangerous and deadly history of them now before they become extinct.
Frightening aspect is that if the human race does not exist or may be disappeared or were simply the dominance of these creatures in the prehistoric ages on the planet, and wonder if likely to come back into existence?!.
We review with you some of the most terrifying creatures and the most dangerous and ferocity that was present on the surface of the Earth in prehistoric times ..

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28 March 2015 at 14:58 ×

That is pretty scary! I am glad that I haven't met up with one of those vipers.
My blog is - hope you can check it out!

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