
Strangest of cats deemed absolutely calculate pets but

Theme from the strangest thing is to find such a strange cat of the strangest kinds of cats and rarest species non-existent, but very few found this cat in Johnson City in Tennessee and the US were teeth abroad and upper jaw where deformation was presented to the doctor was treated and sees believed It's a vampire
We will show you some of the strangest cats at all, and it is very rare everybody becomes emotional when it comes to cats, and these feelings can become a double when it comes to some kind of alien species, but is not the case with all of them.
Perhaps it is charmingly quaint as a platoon or suspicious, even if we are not fans of the must agree that there is something charming in the big eyes, which give a strong suggestion to control because of the lack of eyebrows. If you think that the lack of fur of a cat makes retain easy, you need to think again, maybe not leave a poem on the couch, but leave stains greasy if remained in one place for a long time, because her skin secrete natural oils, so it is advisable to give her a bath every day. Strain is Russian began in 1966 with a small name "Byron" in Canada and never has paired with his mother, after this beginning suffered many setbacks in the seventies and eighties, and at the present time there are many of this strain in the United States and Canada, but it is still rare.
Ivkoa to Ukrainian

This strain is similar with the "Sphinx" in some things, and most importantly the lack of hair, but also different because there is a large adhaan folded and eyes narrow. Strain described as "dog face", and mostly are bald, but some of them may contain a short fur. An estimate strain not only because of their appearance is rare, but because it is a friendly, energetic and eager for the company of humans as well as other pets. Strain is still new, and never born first of them in January 2004, and there are only a few hundred of them around the world.
Cornish Rex
This cat show as "Casey III", the royal title is well suited for a beautiful cat with fur crispy Unlike other cats, which lacks the two layers of the outer hair, instead of these two classes Cat protected mild ones of the hair, they have fur is much lighter than other cats, and a set of distinctive features, such as high-bones, long noses, strong and beards, and small waists, long legs, and a range of stylish colors.
Scotch Fuld
Instead of splurging big Adhan such as "Cornish Rex", this strain has barely small ears, and look similar to the "Owl" In addition to the big eyes. Not all members of this strain has folded ear, but in some cases there are double or even triple folds, unfortunately some bone deformities may occur which makes it controversial breed.
Short-haired cat curious
This gentle cat has another name, a "fig Newton," is very similar to the Persian dynasty except short thick fur, have round heads and faces flat and small ears, also possess the bodies round their heads like giving them the appearance of dolls granulated. This strain existed only since 1960, when the Persian never mated with an American short hair cat accidentally, today still mate with strain Persian happens to breed with long hair. Often prone to problems, such as tears started flowing and prone to sinusitis, and has a chance of 40 to 50% in the development of polycystic kidney disease, which has no cure.
When I arrived the first dynasty in 1994, created a sensation, a veteran judge resigned in disgust Offers cats, and many records still refuse to recognize this breed! The problem is that they are a little short legs, but her fans claim that this does not hinder the cats in any way, they are still able to jump and keep up with her friends with long legs.
Their bodies lean, big brushes and ears, and her large almond eyes, and as you can see from this picture, they also have the unusual feature of a foot cream. Strain became registered in 1997, come from Russia, where due attributed to rescue a cat called "Varvara". Should not be left in direct sunlight for too long rays, but was hit by heartburn, and require constant shower to keep her skin free of oil, and although this may make it difficult to breed interest in them, but they reward the owners of loyalty and affection and intelligence.
This cat seems to belong to the land and not the house, never "Savannah" is a combination of a domestic cats and wild cats African known as the "LaChapelle," and contain wilderness qualities such as patches resembling an eye on their backs, and signs resembling tears Cheetah next to their ears. Is one of the largest breeds of cats in the world, in fact, measured 17.1 inches, was recently placed in the Guinness World Records as the longest domesticated cats in the world!
To Aberm
Long, curly hair, and a lot of strange that this strain generates bald, while others lose their hair, and was described as the ugliest cat in the world. The farm that has been breeding cats in the "Dallas", is one of the holy lands of indigenous Americans, this is the role of the Holy cats are given American names original 0.10
Elf Cat

The American educator cats "Karen Nelson" and "Christine to endure" the production of this cat mating process between the "Sphinx" and "American Curl" and this explains why that strain has those amazing ears. Such as "Sphinx", this cat is mostly bald, and is said to be intelligent animals and very social, and adaptable to different types of houses, as well as other pets, and the positive outcome of this hybridization is that this species does not suffer from genetic diseases in Originally factions.
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